Journey to Publication -Chat with Mr. Collins about the publication of his novel The Gamal (Bloomsbury, 2013)

How a cover gets created…

The completed book jacket
Author website for promotion purposes

Poetry by Alvaro García Calvo

Mientras cae el otono

Nosotros esperamos
Envueltos por las hojos dorados
El mundo no acaba en el atardecer,
Y solomente los suenos
Tienen su limite en las cosas
El tiempo nos conduce
Por su laberinto de horas en blanco
Al patio de nvestra casa
Envueltos por la niebla incesante
Seguimes esperando
La nostalgia es vivi sin recorder
De que palabra suimos inventados

(Translated to English by the poet himself)

As Autumn Falls

Shrouded in golden leaves,
We wait,
The world doesn’t end at sunset
And only dreams
Limit themselves to things
Through a labyrinth of black hours
Time leads us on
As Autumn falls
Over our house, our patio
Shrouded in relentless fog
We wait, we wait.
Nostalgia means to live without
The word we are made of.