Na Prometheans agus Seachtain na Gaeilge
— Hamilton High School (@hhsbandon) March 14, 2019
The Prometheans made a very short film for Seachtain na Gaeilge featuring some video footage they took of the school, Adam Giles playing tin whistle and Mr Hamilton reciting a poem. Nach bhfuil sé ar fheabhas!
Mr. Collins
I Giorni (Ludovico Einaudi) by Paddy O’Halloran
I Giorni (Ludovico Einaudi)
Beautiful landscape photographs by Jack Cullen

Photograph by Olan Corcoran

Sketch by Krill Kaorpov

Comic-inspired art by Jackie Chong

Senior Music Award -Be Inspired Awards 2018
Adam Giles 4th Year
“Wonderful original compositionhas a very organic development of its melody and accompanying chords and couldeasily make for a modern pop song fit for radio accompanied by vocals. –A greatpiece.”
–Musican and Film Composer P.J.Rankin
Junior Music Award -Be Inspired Awards 2018
Paddy O’Halloran 3rd Year
“This is a very accomplished takeon I Giorni by Ludovico Einaudi with interesting trills and musical variationsin the phrasing too. A great submission.”
–Musican and Film Composer P.J. Rankin
Junior Art Award-Be Inspired Award 2018
Krill Kaorpov 1st Year

“Very skilled use of felt-tip pen to create shading and contrast. An aesthetically pleasing work, doing justice to the interesting architecture. Wonderful.”
–Artist Úna Collins
Senior Art Award -Be Inspired Awards 2018
Eoin O’Donnell 4th Year

–Artist Una Collins